
Thursday, April 11, 2013

MCI Screening test - MCI screening test 2013 Set A discussion

Hello friends,
This is a list of questions i got from rxpgonline and kamal kv website for mci screening test  2013 set a questions. There are certain mistakes in the answers written there, so watch the video for the complete discussion, don't see the answer's posted in any place. Check the answer yourself  in a standard textbook to be safe.


FMGE 2013 Set A
1 hydatidiform mole 24wk size- S&E 
2 appendicular mass- conservative n elective suregery 
3 puerperal pyrexia- 38.4 
4 m.c.cause for puerperal pyrexia- infection 
5 breast buds- thelarche 
6 water contamination indicator- E.coli 
7 ASA- fitness of patient 
8 most emetogenic- cisplatin 
9 no hypoglycemia- metformin 
10 HLA B27 ass wid- ant.uveitis 
11 koplick spots- measeles 
12 gower's sign- duchenne's muscular dystrophy 
13 roth spots- papilledema 
14 monteggia fracture- proximal ulnar 
15 cockup splint- radial 
16 claw hand- ulnar 
17 kayser fleicher ring- wilson's 
18 typhoid ulcer perforation- 3rd wk 
19 antidote for benzodiazepines- flumezanil 
20 maize def- pellagra 
21 '4d'-pellagra 
22 m.c.symptom of endometriosis- dysmennorhea 
23 for thyroglossal cyst- subhyoid 
24 m.c.cause of neonatal mortality- prematurity 
25 human development index all r true except 
26 wound after appendectomy- clean contaminated 
27 burns- curling's ulcer 
28 distance of D.D.O- 25cms 
29 astigmatism- cylindrical 
30 myopia- concave 
31 cherry spt- CRAO 
32 relative risk for 7000 truckdrivers- 10 
33 zileuton- LOX inhibitor 
34 swan neck deformity- R.arthritis 
35 smoking causes- bladder ca 
36 eclampsia doc- MgSo4 
37 reed sternberg cells- H.lymphoma 
38 CHC population- 1,20,000 
39 ovulation in a 36day cycle- 22 
40 umblical cord- 2art n 1 vein 
41 umblical vein- oxygenated blood away from placenta 
42 Mcburney's point- medial 2/3 lateral 1/3 
43 wood's lamp a/e- lichen planus 
44 molluscum contagiosum- pox virus 
45 EBV all ca except- kaposi's 
46 HIV- RNA dependent DNA transcriptase 
47 m.c. emphysema- panacinar 
48 m.c.c. of mitral valve disease- R.fever 
49 ropy discharge- vernal keratoconjunctivitis 
50 microcytic hypochromic a/e- fanconi's anemia 
51 marcusgunn pupil- optic neuritis 
52 m.c.type 2 resp.failure- COPD 
53 pterygium definition- someone fill it plz 
54 phthisis bulbi a/e- increase IOP 
55 indicator of shock- CVP 
56 cardiac dominance- post.-- 
57 traveller's diarhhea- E.coli 
58 menopause- FSH 
59 Standard deviation- distribution 
60 cobble stone- spring cattarh 
61 not TSH dependent- medullary ca of thyroid 
62 stapedius - Facial nerve 
63 DDT- nerve poison 
64 pneumocytes- alveoli 
65 hypopyon- pus 
66 m.c.s htn- putamen 
67 all support uterus except- infundibulopelvic 
68 snowflake cataract- diabetes 
69 epidemic keratoconjunctivitis- adeno virus 
70 staph food poision- 6 hrs 
71 loozer's zone- osteomalacia 
72 congenital syphilis- IgMFTABS 
73 puddle sign- ascites 
74 D.nephropathy- microalbuminuria 
75 migriane DOC- sumatriptan 
76 hyperkalemic hyperchloremic- pyloric stenosis 
77 ICU sedation- propofol 
78 schistocytes- AIHA 
79 lower end of scapula- T7 
80 HIV needle prick- 0.3% 
81 for genital T.B- tubes 
82 surest sign of labor- show(not sure) 
83 1st test for infertility- husband's semen analysis 
84 IQ 40- imbecile 
85 not seen in ARDS- hypercapnia 
86 for venous ulcer- dorsum of foot(not sure) 
87 arlt's line- trachoma 
88 sarcoidosis x-ray- hilar lymphadenopathy 
89 all r palpated per rectum except- whole ureter 
90 C/I in uveitis- pilocarpine 
91 meckel's divurticulum a/e- not common in females 
92 ranula- retention cyst 
93 little's area a/e- post.ethmoidal 
94 rib notching- Coarctation of aorta 
95 disease with no chnge for many years- secular trend 
96 esophagus- 25cms 
97 caloric test- lateral semicircular canal 
98 AAVN seen in- talus fracture 
99 alcoholic forceful blood vomit- mallory weiss tear 
100 chovstek sign- hypocalcemia 
101 abductor of vocalcord- post.cricoarytenoid 
102 pauwel's classification- femur fracture 
103 alcoholic restlesness- akathesia 
104 lynching- homicidal hanging(agneepath movie) 
105 active form of vit.D- hydrocholcalciferol 
106 organophophate poisoning a/e- coma 
107 thrmobolytics- ischeamic attack 
108 CEA- colon cancer 
109 most imp. F.A- lenoliec acid 
110 polio diagnosis- isolation of virus from stool 
111 Social mobility definition 
112 glaucoma treatment for other eye- laser iridoto